Sunday, March 30, 2008


Care2 PetitionSite ActionAlert
The Summer 2008 Olympics in Bejing offers us the perfect opportunity to tell China, 'No more human rights violations!'
The atrocities committed to control the protests are a reminder of China's record of human rights abuses.

I'm sure that like me, you're also outraged by the abuse of power displayed by the Chinese government to suppress the protests in Tibet and nearby provinces. Speak up for those who can't. Sign this petition to urge China to end the crackdown immediately >>

The violence against protesters, monks and civilians in Tibet is quickly escalating as the deadly crackdown continues. This week, overwhelmed by the violence affecting innocent civilians, the Dalai Lama said he would resign as leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile "if things become out of control." We can't remain silent while these abuses are taking place. Take action to stand with the people of Tibet.

The Beijing Summer Olympics are only a few months away, but that hasn't stopped China from cracking down on Tibetan protesters, causing the death of around 100 people, while hundreds continue to be shot at, beaten up and detained by China's security forces.

The protesters' grievances should not be addressed through the use of force, but with an open and peaceful dialogue. Freedom of expression is a basic human right that should be respected and not punished with violence.

Please sign this petition to the Olympic Games Officials and the United Nations to make sure help is on the way for the people of Tibet!

From Care2 Thank you for standing with innocent Tibetans.

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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